Farm Flora:

75 % of the farm land is farmed on introduced and native pastures.

Over 70 paddocks and blocks.

Trig 1 Block - Variety of indigenous mature trees. Potential QEII.

Kauhauroa 1 Block (54 ha) - reverting, Manuka, Kanuka, Tauhinu, Punga, Pukatea.

Various paddocks - Small stands of Totara, Kahikatea , Cordyline Australis, reverting Manuka, Tauhinu.

Flevo, Kawa Poplar Pole Planting - shade, shelter, erosion control (1995-2008).


Farm Forestry:

Demo Block 18 ha 1981Trialling of Acacia Melanoxylon, various Eucalypts

Slips Block 10 ha Pinus Radiata plantation, 30 yr joint venture, Hawkes Bay Regional Council

Basin Block 14.8ha – Pinus Radiata